November 11, 2011, presents a unique opportunity to raise awareness and funding for Niemann-Pick Disease. Thus, we are announcing to all our families, friends and supporters…
The National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation’s 11-11-11 Challenge!
Through October, Niemann-Pick Disease Awareness Month, right up until 11-11-11, we are asking you to reach out to your contacts, asking them for their support in our urgent Quest for a Cure for Niemann-Pick Disease.
To mark 11-11-11, we want you to ask your family, friends and co-workers to each donate $11 to the NNPDF.
These modest donations, added up, could give a significant boost to the foundation’s 2011 revenue goals. After all, who should be more willing to support this cause than the close family and friends who see on a daily basis the heartbreaks and struggles a family faces due to NPD?
Our goal for the “11-11-11 Challenge” is to get 111 people to get 11 of their contacts to each donate $11. This would ultimately add up to over $13,000 to be dedicated to research, designated by NPD type!
Further, we ask that you encourage your contacts to forward the “11-11-11 Challenge” on to their friends and families, spreading awareness of NPD and the plight faced by families who receive this diagnosis even further.
The top two fundraisers (one for NPC, one for ASMD/Types A & B) will receive a prize in the form of a $100 gift certificate to a national retailer. Visit the NNPDF's
11-11-11 Challenge page and the
October Awareness page for more information.