Friday, December 16, 2011

Latest Update on Planning for NIH Cyclodextrin Clinical Trial

The NIH/TRND NPC team met again with representatives of the FDA on Tuesday, December 13, to discuss plans for the upcoming clinical trial of cyclodextrin, and we are pleased to be able to share the update on the process.

NNPDF members can be assured the foundation will continue to keep families up-to-date on information about plans for this and all clinical trial as details become available. Updates will be posted to the NewsLine page, as well as to the Facebook page and the listserv groups.

For the update on the December 13 meeting, and more information about TRND (Therapies for Rare and Neglected Diseases program) and the six pilot projects selected (including NPC), visit the NNPDF Web site.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

International Niemann-Pick Disease Alliance Meets

International Niemann-Pick Disease Alliance
Second NPD International Advocacy Meeting Held in Spain

The International Niemann-Pick Disease Alliance (INPDA) met November 13-14, in Toledo, Spain, to share updates and to reinforce and develop worldwide networks.

Representatives from patient support groups representing 11 countries (including those from the NNPDF and CCNNPDF) and pharmaceutical companies, along with clinicians and scientists from around the world, were in attendance.

Goals and objectives for the INPDA were set for the next two years with an emphasis on collaboration in family services and research.

The INPDA was established in 2009 to provide a forum for the exchange of information, experience and knowledge for the purpose of accelerating progress in the fight against Niemann-Pick Disease.

To see photos from the INPDA meeting, visit the NNPDF's NewsLine page.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

11-11-11 Challenge Great Success! Contest Winners Announced

The NNPDF's 11-11-11 Challenge was a resounding success, raising awareness of Niemann-Pick Disease of all types, bringing in over $20,000 in funds dedicated to essential NPD research!

The NNPDF's Board of Directors extends sincere thanks to the 35+ families who took on the 11-11-11 Challenge, asking their friends, families, neighbors and co-workers to each donate $11 to the cause.

We were amazed and grateful for the creativity and perseverance shown by our families and other supporters during the Challenge -- awareness videos, photo collages, Facebook pages, blogs, personal letters, face-to-face appeals, etc., all added up to the tremendous success of this group effort!

We also want to thank the hundreds of donors who each gave $11 and the many who gave larger amounts to help advance our Quest for a Cure!

The Bourgeault family of Charlotte, North Carolina, was the top fundraiser for Niemann-Pick Disease due to ASMD (Types A and B), conducting their challenge in honor of little Kaitlyn Bourgeault (NPA). Meghan Roberts of Massachusetts was the top fundraiser for Niemann-Pick Disease Type C (NPC), raising funds in memory of her cousin, Erin Roberts (NPC). Each winner will receive a $100 gift card to a national retailer.

More about the NNPDF's 11-11-11 Challenge

Monday, December 5, 2011

Melana Marie Elfe (1976 - 2011)

Melana Marie Elfe
6/18/76 - 11/5/11

We have received very sad news that Melana Marie Elfe has passed away due to the effects of Niemann-Pick Disease Type C. Her final days were spent surrounded by family and friends.

Melana's life would seem too short to many, but those who were touched by her understood that the quality of existence far exceeds the quantity of time in which one lives. Her big smile, strong will and caring personally will be missed by family and friends. Family was the most important thing in Melana's life, always placing family before her own needs. Melana enjoyed reading, travelling, and big family meals.

Melana held a degree in Child Care Development and she loved taking care of children of all ages. She also served in the Army as a Supply Specialist for 3 years including time overseas.

Melana is survived by her loving son, Allan Elfe Jr.; husband Allan Elfe Sr.; parents Gene and Margaret Steele; grandmother Betty Luttrell; and other caring family members.

Melana's family thanks the Denver North Care Facility for the excellent care they provided during her declining health issues.

A Celebration of Life service was held on Friday, November 11, 2011, at Mountain View Mortuary, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The family requests that memorials be made to the National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation (NNPDF).