Monday, December 22, 2014

Eleventh "Day and Way" of Caring for the Caregiver ~Know Your Limitations~


Dear NNPDF Families and Friends,

As we worked on our countdown toward the Holiday’s this month, we touched upon the idea of “Knowing Your Limitations” a few times, especially in offering you ways to take care of yourself as a caregiver. By placing a focus towards yourself ~ physically, emotionally & mentally ~ you are ensuring that you engage in the cardinal rule of caregiving:

~ Take care of yourself so you CAN take care of your loved one. ~

“Knowing Your Limitations” is a key element of caring for a loved one. IF you fail to recognize and follow the points we have highlighted previously, IF you overload yourself each day you WILL run the risk of Caregiver Burnout Syndrome.

By “Knowing Your Limitations” not only can you better plan your days, but it will allow you to spend more of your time enjoying the time with the one you are caring for.

Visit the NNPDF Newsline for tips to help you to identify and stay true to your limitations:

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